2 min readSep 4, 2023

Posted by JuJuan Buford @JSBUFORD

Important Questions Entrepreneurs Need to Be Able to Answer Every Year, Month, Week, & Day… Especially When Starting the Month!

What is my Masterpiece Goal? The thing that will make the BIGGEST Difference?

Me: Gold Executive Director. Because of the leader, it will force me to become. Because of the growth, it will force me to experience. Because of the resources it will put at my disposal to curate the life I desire.

What skills or talents do I need to improve in order to achieve my Masterpiece Goal?

Me: The art of promotion. Obscurity is my enemy. People need to know and SEE the progress, success stories, and growth of my cadre (teammates).

What are the TOP 3 THINGS I will achieve to make September a Masterpiece?

#1. Promote the TeamNewHorizons Entrepreneur Boot Camp
#2. Find an Entrepreneurial Organization or Network to Serve
#3. Be in bed and asleep by 9PM est. (Wish me luck)
#4. I’m cheating. Create some type of promotional content thrice a week to highlight our achievements.


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JSB Business Solutions Group

JuJuan Buford, Managing Partner

888.549.9689 / jsbuford@thebufordco.com

Website — https://thebufordco.com/

Linkedin — linkedin.com/in/jujuan-buford-25997a2a

Schedule An Appointment — https://bit.ly/SmallBizArchitectureMeetUp


I’m believe that change can occur when people are equipped with the tools to exercise agency in their lives. Entrepreneur. Writer. #catchjsbuford