Goal Setting is a Good Start. Setting a Goal-Achieving Plan is Better.
Posted by JuJuan Buford @JSBUFORD
A couple of common mistakes entrepreneurs make when setting goals, and suggestions to get better at the goal setting and achieving process.
#1. Setting goals without a goal achievement plan is like throwing up a prayer, absent the works behind it. You’re left with nothing but empty promises.
#2. Goal setting is a skilled trade. And like most skilled trades, there is a process involving becoming mediocre, good, then great at it. Accept that you may suck at it in the beginning, and that’s OK. Commit to the process.
#3. Be careful of what you wish for. Big goals are going to require some BIG things in return from you. Ask yourself, who must I become, and what changes must I make in order to become the person that is deserving of the goals I’ve set? Forward movement and progress almost always require some friction initially. Accept it.
#4. Big goals necessarily require the cooperation of others. Clearly define the talents and skills that you need to execute the goal-achieving process, and make connections with good people who share your values and work ethic before you need them. Organic partnerships are the best!
#5. Dream big. Start small. You build a large edifice one brick at a time. Inculcate a spirit of gratitude, and document your progress to ensure you appreciate the small wins along the way. Create a brief, simple goal-achieving itinerary that you can execute daily until it becomes habitual.
Check out the following interview to acquire more details regarding how to curate a winning goal-setting and goal-achieving process. 👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾
It’s the progress that feels the best!
Danco Sotirovski #nextoppsocial NextOppSocial #verydetroit #smallbizarchitect #thereslevels #goalsetting #goalachievement #entrepreneurshipisempowerment
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JuJuan Buford, Managing Partner
888.549.9689 / jsbuford@thebufordco.com
Website — https://thebufordco.com/
Originally published at https://www.catchjsbuford.com.