Entrepreneurship & Overcoming Stress, Anxiety, & Depression

4 min readNov 14, 2023


Posted by JuJuan Buford @JSBUFORD

Video / Audio Version

No one is immune to the stress and anxiety associated with entrepreneurship. We all get our turn with the bs.com: haters, negative environments, mishaps, death, disability, financial or experience deficits, etc., etc.,… Some of us are more adept at adapting to or managing stress than others.

However, for those who are struggling with how to perform despite the inevitable duress we may find ourselves in, here are some tips.

Be Mindful About Where You’re Focussing Your Attention

Your attention is like the sun. Wherever it’s focused, things tend to grow.

Most studies concluded that the average person has about 12,000 to 60,000 thoughts per day. Of those thousands of thoughts, 80% were negative, and 95% were exactly the same repetitive thoughts as the day before.

Gasp! How do you offset this unfortunate reality?

  • Write down affirmations and keep them within arms reach at all times. When the self-defeating thoughts begin press pause, and read them aloud to yourself.
  • Write and review your goals daily. Reset your day or evening by focusing on your destination rather than things that have happened already.
  • You are your memories. Create new ones. Speak your affirmations and goals out loud regularly and imagine yourself showing up as your best self regularly.
  • Have a learning itinerary. Entertain yourself with a good book or podcast that educates and equips you with new skill and knowledge sets. A bored or idle mind becomes the devil’s playground.

Predictable Results (Income) is Found in Your Process. It’s How You Remove the Fog.

The fog is the uncertainty and lack of clarity that entrepreneurs may experience. Operating in the fog creates stress and anxiety, similar to driving a car when visibility is extremely limited. If you can only see (predict) 3 feet ahead of you, you don’t know what’s going to happen. You may hit someone. Someone may hit you.

How do you get rid of the fog?

Your income is the applause for work well done. Define the work… Your KPIs (key performance indicators). Business is simple (not easy), and far too often entrepreneurs turn the two-step into a salsa. A few daily activities ultimately determine the success of most entrepreneurs.

  • How many people are you (or your systems) going to make aware of your business today? Or invite to learn about your value proposition?
  • How many people are going to ensure have an opportunity to make an educated buying decision?
  • How many referrals or repeat customers are you generating daily?

When you know what you should be doing, the fog, fear, and distress begin to disappear. If you know your KPIs, your results become predictable. You can better gauge whether you’re doing something wrong, or perhaps not enough.

Predicting or increasing your income becomes akin to turning a shower knob. If you want more, turn up your KPIs. Learn more here.

Seek Mentorship From People Who Have an Extended Track Record of Achieving Results

Copy the right cats. Seek mentorship.

Copy the right cats. Seek mentorship.

Copy the right cats. Seek mentorship. You’re not the Special. You don’t know everything.

And recruit your weaknesses.

Avoid the Shiny Object Syndrome. It Kills Your Energy & Enthusiasm Over Time.

Entrepreneurship shapes you. Just like different types of exercises shape the bodies of athletes, the way you move as an entrepreneur will shape you psychologically, physically, and emotionally.

Ask yourself the following questions.

  • How will this entrepreneurial endeavor shape my lifestyle? The climb is real.
  • How will it shape my relationships? Who will I need to marry time to, to be successful?
  • How will it shape my values? Or how can I transmute my values through this business?
  • What kind of person will I need to become to be successful?

If you cannot answer these questions, you’ll be susceptible to the shiny object syndrome. Trapped in creating new jobs every handful of months or years. Rather than building an asset that will compensate you whether you roll out of bed or not.

There’s nothing worse than realizing you’re energies have been spent running around in perpetual hamster wheels, without an end in sight.


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Do you have additional questions? Call 888.549.9689 x.101 or I invite you to visit my online calendar and schedule a virtual meet-up.

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JSB Business Solutions Group
JuJuan Buford, Managing Partner
888.549.9689 / jsbuford@thebufordco.com
Website — https://thebufordco.com/
Schedule An Appointmenthttps://bit.ly/SmallBizArchitectureMeetUp




Written by JuJuan Buford - CATCHJSBUFORD

I’m believe that change can occur when people are equipped with the tools to exercise agency in their lives. Entrepreneur. Writer. #catchjsbuford

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